Donkey Kong Parts For Sale
All prices include FREE SHIPPING within the USA.
Email Arcades@RiddledTV.com with questions or for other shipping quotes.

Nintendo 2-Way Switcher - Designed by RiddledTV
$100 USD Assembled upon order, ships in ~1 wk
- Switched 5V, 12V, and -5V Power to each gameboard
- Note: This switcher requires 12V from the harness in order to operate.
- Works for Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr, DK 3, Mario Bro. Popeye
- Change games by holding P1 and P2 Start buttons
- Installation Guide (pdf)
- Demonstration Video
- Nintendo Card Edge Adapter (+$25)

Donkey Kong CPU Board Replica
$69 USD In stock, ships in 3 days
- Bare Circuit Board with no components
- Works for Donkey Kong - TKG4-14-CPU
- Optionally, add a DK Video Board
- DK CPU Material list here

DK Jr CPU Board Replica
$69 USD backordered, ships in 3 weeks
- Bare Circuit Board with no components
- Works for Donkey Kong JR - DJR1-02-CPU
- Optionally, add a DKJr Video Board
- DK Jr CPU Material list here

Donkey Kong, DK Jr. Video Board Replica
$69 USD In stock, ships in 3 days
- Bare Circuit Board with no components
- Works for Donkey Kong - TKG4-14-VIDEO
- Works for Donkey Kong Jr - DJR1-01-VIDEO
- Works for Donkey Kong 3 - DKC1-01-VIDEO
- Configurable for any of those 3 games by using 4 solder jumpers
- Material list is located here
- for troubleshooting,
- the DK logic probe test database is here
- the DK Jr logic probe test database is here

Donkey Kong ECL Replacement Board
$39 USD Assembled upon Order, Ships in 4 days
- Eliminate 8 problematic ECL RAM chips with modern, reliable SRAM
- Requires Desoldering and Resoldering skills. This is NOT plug and play
- The new SRAM is extremely low power and remains cool to the touch
- Works on 2-board Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr, and DK 3 boardsets
- Requires desoldering ECL chips, and replacing them with sockets
- You will need to desolder ICs 3H, 4H, 3F, 4F, 3C, 4C from the video board and replace them with sockets
- ECL at 2E and 2H can be removed or simply abandoned in place
- Qty 6 (2x8) 16pin DIP sockets are included
- NOTE: this does not eliminate ECL chips used the clock generation circuits
- Eliminates: 2x MB7074 (MBM10422), 2x MC10105, and 4x MC10124

Technical Resources
FREE Available online
- RiddledTV Donkey Kong Video Board Logic Spreadsheets
- RiddledTV Donkey Kong CPU Board Logic Spreadsheets
- RiddledTV Donkey Kong Jr Video Board Logic Spreadsheets
- RiddledTV Donkey Kong Jr CPU Board Logic Spreadsheets
- Braze Technologies Donkey Kong Technical Info
- Braze technologies Donkey Kong Jr Technical Info
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